Wed 9 May 2012 11:30am - 1:30pm GMT (+BST)

2nd UK Sociocratic Study Circle teleconferencing meetup

  • All welcome, regardless of experience, commitment and objectives

We will continue to pursue our learning and connecting together according to our varied needs and experience. Participation is currently free; one thing that we will look at is proposals for creating our future pathways, which are likely to include options according to budget, time, commitment, application.

It will be a great opportunity to meet fellow explorers and share experiences and stories.

It is essential to reserve your place by emailing

The meeting will be by dial-in telephone conference, combined with some optional online tools, and will be facilitated by Sue, Martin and myself (technical).  To receive dial-in instructions, please register by emailing Sue with your name, organisation and contact number.  Thank you.



Extract from email invitation sent to participants of 1st meetup in April:

We are now clear that our imagination about the reasons for starting the design day was correct.

There are people:

  • who want to study and gain understanding, skill, experience and ‘credible’ validation to use the sociocratic methods within their personal portfolio of work.
  • Who want a community of practice that provides peer support and collaboration to develop their understanding and experience with sociocratic methods and philosophy within their communities and lives.
  • Who want to consider several new ways of creating community cohesion and empowerment.
  • Who want to connect globally/locally through technology
  • Who want to connect face-2-face.
  • Who want to use the present money exchange systems to reward the leaders/educators.
  • Who want to use personal and local exchange methods to mutually recognise the contributions made within the group.


All of these opportunities are available and more.  It would be valuable to develop proposals for any of these and alternative suggestions.  The intention is to connect the pioneers of new ways of collaborating and living and find support and inspiration within the connecting opportunities. To sow the seeds and provide a nurturing/supportive environment for the diversity of what is growing.


The meeting on 9th May will be a place to explore and clarify some of the ways forward.  Please send any items OR comments you have about what you want on the agenda for 9th May asap. We will send this out with the conferencing details.


We will be circulating this information to people who we know are interested in different ways of working together and you are free to also distribute to anyone you feel will benefit.

With best wishes and look forward to meeting again.


From Sue, Martin Grimshaw and Francois Knuchel.


Sue Bell

07714 115 335 Mobile

In case of techical difficulties on the day, please call Francois on:

Tel: 020 8133 5211

Mob:  07729 371915


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