This section is to list articles in magzines, newsletters and various external sources about some aspect of sociocracy. If you would like to see an article listed, please send a comment with the link. We can then update the list:
- Consensus' big brother: Sociocracy (2 August 14) by Paxus Calta
- Dynamic Governance: Kicking Employee Engagement into Overdrive (19 July 14) by Sarah Lozanova
- 5 Common Facilitation Mistakes (11 July 14) by Sheel;a Mierson
- How this Residential Care Home Bumped Employee Engagement into Overdrive (9 July 14) by Sarah Lozanova
- Scaling Agile with Sociocracy (20 June 14) by Bernard Bockelbrink
- Sociocracy, a way of organising (7 May 14) by LCNC
- Magic, Belief and Sociocracy (17 July 13) by John Buck
- What is Sociocracy and Why do we need it? by Sharon Villines
If you send in link by comment, latest articles will go the top (so reverse chronological order) and your name will be included as contributor (unless you prefer to remain anonymous). Thank you in advance.