
I am new to sociocracy and am looking to use elements of it as part of a new project to revitalise the HR intranet and provide a more useful tool for employees.


Are there any tips you can give me in trying to get people together in workshops or forums and the process by which decisions are made using sociocracy. 


Any tips and suggestions welcome from all!


Thanks in advance,



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  • Hi Nadine

    Very interesting question and I'd like to come back to it in more detail when I have a bit more time.  I'm also keen to hear a bit more about your project, and who (what kind of groups) you are trying to bring together for what kind of decisions.  Maybe we could have a skype conversation (my skype name is francois12uk) at some point.  I hope others will respond too - if it's OK with you I'd like to 'broadcast' your question to all the members (otherwise most people won't see your question).

    You might also want to explore the many discussions in the international sociocracy discussion group (yahoogroup) which you are free to join (I think you have to subscribe to be able to view everything).  You may find some useful suggestions in the archives of previous discussions there - I know there are some people there (who are not from the UK and thus not members of SociocracyUK) who do have the kind of experience you're asking about.  Or/and, if you cannot find anything in the archives, just pose the same question to that group, you will get a more international response.

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