Day 1: Visit a Sociocratic Organization

Thursday afternoon, 14.00-17.00: visit ‘Het Buitenschoolse Net,’ a large, successful provider of after-school care. It is profitable in a sector where any similar organizations are struggling because of reduced government subsidies. Staff surveys indicate very high scores for employee involvement and satisfaction.

Location: Het Buitenschools Net, Rossinistraat 9, 5344 AK OSS


In the evening, 20.00-22.00, hear sociocratic consultant, Pieter van der Meche, explain how he implemented Sociocracy in Het Buitenschoolse Net.

Location: Kaap Doorn, conference enter

For more information please download our flyer


Day 2: Meet and Expert; Develop the Alliance Network

Henry Mentink, leader of (sociocratically organized) MyWheels, and co-leader of The Club of Budapest, will talk, 10.00-13.00, about his new initiative to develop the whole village of Varik as a sociocratic business, an experiment of the Club of Budapest. He will also discuss other initiatives and experiences with community building.

In the afternoon, 14.00-17.00, explore sociocracy as a way to govern broad sectors of society. Help develop strategies for using such concepts as movements, networks, network alliances, and collective impact to develop a new political system.

For more information please download our flyer


Day 3: To lead or not to lead, that is the question! (Develop Leadership Skills)

10.00-16.30, refreshments and networking 16.30-17.30. Location: Kaap Doorn, conference center.

With Sociocracy we change the power-over aspect of the traditional hierarchy so that we can all lead. What must sociocratic leaders know? Participate in answering this question for yourself and others using an open space format, which invites you to lead a session on topics of particular interest to you. Share results in the afternoon.

For more information please download our flyer



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