Full details of our next playshop will be added here very shortly, in Brixton, London, 11 June 2011


All are very welcome to join like minded peers, whether you are new to this or an old hand. Expect flowers, gardens, networking, learning, planning and cakes.


Come if you have any interest in exploring smarter ways of working together, leading and managing made less burdensome, following made richer, lean start ups, agile learning organisations, the permaculture of organisation, collaborative self governance or sociocracy as applied to self, family, team, university, corporation, co-housing community, village or football team.


See you there?

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  • I'm afraid we've had to postpone this event, but we are having a redesign and are preparing to bring it back as soon as we can. There has been lots of 'behind the scenes' effort and developments, we will send out an update as soon as we can, with an invite to the next event
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