Here is a report from Diane Leafe Christian, sent to me by email, to be shared by all interested in sociocracy: Unfortunately due to new restrictions (max 100,000 characters) by Ning, it is no longer possible to put the whole piece directly on the site (or one would have to split it into 6), so I attach a PDF document of it instead
Hello again,
This is the second report (one of a planned four reports) for friends and colleagues who teach or are interested in Sociocracy, and especially in intentional communities.
It's about what else I learned during my trip to the Findhorn Community -- in this case (unlike the previous report about the GEN Conference there), as a consultant along with Robert Gilman for the "Working Group for Change." This happened the week after the GEN Conference. And especially what I learned from the small informal Sociocracy consultations I did that week for various individual groups within the wider Findhorn Community.
The "Working Group for Change" -- "Working Group" for short -- was created by the New Findhorn Association (NFA). The New Findhorn Association is a networking organization that organizes some community-wide activities and publishes a newsletter for the many individuals and organizations that comprise the Findhorn Community, which folks there call "the Community." One of these organizations is the Findhorn Foundation, itself -- the original spiritual intentional community.
For continuation see attached Pdf document .....