Here is the third report from Diane Leafe Christian, sent to me by email, to be shared by all interested in sociocracy: Unfortunately due to new restrictions (max 100,000 characters) by Ning, it is no longer possible to put the whole piece directly on the site (or one would have to split it into 8), so I attach a PDF document of it instead
Hello again,
This is the third report (one of a planned four reports) for friends and colleagues who teach Sociocracy or are interested in it, and especially in intentional communities.
It’s about what else I learned during my visit to the Findhorn Community in July re how people learn and use Sociocracy in a community setting. As noted before, after the GEN Conference I stayed on to be a consultant with Robert Gilman for the "Working Group for Change” for the Findhorn Community.
This report focuses on what I learned about how some organizations there use or partially use some aspects of Sociocracy, the benefits and challenges they've experienced, and what this has shown me about teaching Sociocracy more effectively for intentional communities.
Informal consultations. East Whins is a relatively new 50-member cohousing neighborhood in The Park. They’d been having challenges in meetings so an East Whins member asked me to do an informal consultation, and I did. I also visited with the manager of Moray Carshare, a 40-member, nine-car regional car co-op. And I visited with the president and another member of the Titleholder’s Association, a governing organization for the four individual housing developments in The Park (where people own their own homes). All of these organizations use Sociocracy.
For continuation see attached Pdf document .....