Hi dear friends and folks interested in Dynamic Self Governance (DSG)

it gives me pleasure to inform you:John Buck will be back in Edinburgh on Saturday afternoon from 1 pm - 4pm , on the 24th May, in the Serenity Cafe.

He, and some of our Scottish friends training up in DSG, offer to work with you on some core questions relevant to our own work, as well as relevant to us right now in Scotland.. There are requests already for us looking that afternoon and in the weeks to follow at Electoral Reform and Constitution issues.

The Questions we will be asking, from you and from John...
· How do you make decisions when people have intensely opposite opinions?
· How do you make sure managers/owners/employees/participants in your organizations don’t ignore the needs and opinions of anyone who works in the organisations?
· How do you select people for roles and responsibilities?
· How do you give people, esp elected representatives, feedback on their performance


This is a care-share-economy event.

Find more details on attached event flyer.

We also invite donations/gifts so we can open up the participation.


Please pass the word about this event. Places are limited  to ensure best outcome of learning and planning taking place.

We can also let you and people whom you know  join us via http://www.zoom.us/ a free cloud meeting facility. If you wish to join that way, please get in touch soon so we can make sure before the day that our digital connections work.

Part of future planning will be practise and consultative webinars, using the zoom cloud.

 looking forward to hear from you soon requesting your booking form!

best wishes

and thank you for your alertness and swift action in connection making


Anneruth and Kim

A Deeper Democracy is possible

Dynamic Self Governance Scotland Events

Twitter: @DSGScotlndEvent Facebook: facebook.com/DSGScotlandEvent
phone contacts: 07818 061918 (Ruth); 07837741815 (Kim)

past events:
Website: http://www.dsgscotlandevents2013.co.uk


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