Tuesday 8 March 2011 - Dinner with Flipcharts:
Lean, Agile, Co-operative: Organisational Democracy works. But how does it work for you?
6:30pm - 9pm, central Brighton, East Sussex, FREE (except food/drinks you buy in restaurant).
Venue: The House (http://www.thehouserestaurant.co.uk/)
37 East Street, Brighton, BN1 1HL (see map)
A 'Sociocracy Social' focused on Organisational Democracy where we have a chance to meet and trade ideas and experience. Get together with people in organisations that are walking the talk, and exchange notes. Who are your role models? What are your favourite best practices? What challenges are you facing? What resources or support do you need?
We will eat together, meet one another and talk about our work. There is no fee (apart from the price of what you order from the restaurant).
If possible please let us know if you are coming (so we have an idea of numbers) as soon as possible - email resolve@decisionlab.org.uk or call 07766 093015 . If for whatever reason you can't let us know in advance, e.g. last minute decision or change, please come anyway, all are welcome.
Very warm regards, we look forward to seeing you there.
Martin Grimshaw, Sue Bell, Nathaniel Whitestone & Francois Knuchel
DecisionLab and friends