10:00 - 12:00. Present: Martin (facilitator), Sue, Francois
Short reports on TSC-en, Operations Leader update, financial coordinator, implementation circle, incorporation update and co-housing annual conference (sociocracy workshop). No policies terms up for review.
Main items:
- Logo (review) - agreed needed something better, but deferred to review in 3 months.
- E-consensus: continue trial or drop - agreed to let wither away naturally to avoid duplication
- Double-link to TSC-en, different interpretations, deferred to next meeting after studying 4.4.2
- Implementation circle - consented that it was answerable to working circle
- AOB: consented to contribute £5/month to pay for ning, travel, room etc
Evaluation. Next meeting 25 June 2013 on Skype, Nate facilitating