How did you discover this site?
email from John Buck
How are you using sociocratic principles?
Applying it in my community group
Please write a brief description of your experience of sociocracy and a bit about yourself
* I am the founder of an intentional community (, and sociocracy is one of the pillars of this community (the other 2 pillars: NVC and Council).
* I am a member of a sociocratic learning circle, other members are Annemiek Reymer, Ad Oomen and others.
Hey Anutosh, I was inspired by your post under 'What is Sociocracy?'... thanks!
Welcome Anutosh.
We'd love to hear more about your journey so far, to inspire and motivate us. Would you like to tell us a short story, perhaps just a couple of paragraphs?
Or perhaps even a blog article?
Or a short personal response to the question: What is Sociocracy, for you?
Keep up the good work :)