How did you discover this site?
through google and Rakesh
How are you using sociocratic principles?
I'm just learning about it, Applying it in my community group
Please write a brief description of your experience of sociocracy and a bit about yourself
I have no direct experience of sociocracy with this name and however have been involved for many years in collaborative and creative decision making systems through transition, permaculture, schumacher college, embercombe and ancient earth wisdom
Please tell us what you hope to get out of this membership site
learn and get support to create a Freedom Seed Bank festival 2014
If you have a web-site, blog, twitter, facebook or similar account, please enter url here
Hi Azul, sorry for not getting back to you sooner, I got caught in the end of year rush, then was completely elsewhere, only now coming back to where I left off. Anyway I've briefly spoken to Rakesh and to Martin Grimshaw about your project - and we have decided Martin will contact you directly to find out more and see how we can move forward. So please expect contact from Martin soon.
Welcome to Sociocracy UK Azul-Valerie. I hope you can find useful informaiton on this site - as you dig deeper into the videos, blogs and forums I am sure you will find useful information and ideas. I've noted your request for support for the Freedom Seed Bank festival, and Rakesh has already spread the word, so I hope we can come back to you with some practical suggestions soon. In the meantime please explore the site, and let me know if you have specific questions.