How did you discover this site?
Via a colleague forwarding an email with a link to this
How are you using sociocratic principles?
I'm just learning about it, Using it in my business
Please write a brief description of your experience of sociocracy and a bit about yourself
My work (NixonMcInnes) tries to use this on big decisions, I've been working on the democratic process in the company too. We're generally a democratic company and have been on the WorldBlu list for 3 years...
Oops, just spotted I mis-pasted a link. For quick 2 min 'case studies', go here :)
And a very warm welcome to you Beth, great to see you on here. I'd really love to see a development of the WorldBlu community in the UK, and to join hands in promoting organisational democracy / organisational wellbeing.
You might want to nose around here to find out more:
You might want to start a space for discussing a WorldBlu community here:
Or perhaps a quick 2 minute description about the challenges you've encountered and the benefits you've enjoyed at work...we're looking to collect some case studies to inspire others:
Warm regards and keep up the good work )