How are you using sociocratic principles?
I'm just learning about it
Please write a brief description of your experience of sociocracy and a bit about yourself
I've just finished reading 'We the People' and have been following the sociocracy yahoo group for the past 3 years. I'm super keen on implementing sociocracy into our social enterprise and the transition town group to which I belong. Looking at getting some training soon - anyone down under???
Hi Emma-Kate
Thanks for your note. Look forward to seeing you when I am there.
We are meeting next week here in the UK to look at our online provision. We will keep you in touch from here.
You could look at Murray's page from New Zealand and se how he is linking with John Buck in the US.
best wishes Sue
what a delight to welcome you to Sociocracy UK. We are also link sociocracy with the transition town movement. John Buck from Dynamic Governace in the US was training in New Zealand recently. We are setting up online modes of training with peer groups. Are you interested in that?
I have a brother who is based in Sydney so I visit sometimes. I hope to see you when I visit next year. best wishes Sue