How did you discover this site?
Met Martin Grimshaw in Greece recently
How are you using sociocratic principles?
I'm just learning about it
Please write a brief description of your experience of sociocracy and a bit about yourself
After attending a talk/workshop by Martin Grimshaw on Sociocracy at Kalikalos, Greece it sparked my interest. As a theatre practitioner/educator I have been researching alternative approaches to education leading up to beginning an MA in Creative Practices in Education this year. Democratic education, home schooling and self-directed learning centres are to be my research focus, and now, after Martin's talk I'd also like to research sociocratic principles, particularly in relation to education.
Please tell us what you hope to get out of this membership site
Information, engagement, possibly training
If you have a web-site, blog, twitter, facebook or similar account, please enter url here
Good day,
I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and demand it necessary to write you immediately.
I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.
Could you please get back to me o( for the full details.
Have a nice day.
Mrs.Abiola Bawuah.
Hello Kate. Welcome to the Sociocracy UK community. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed learning about sociocracy with Martin in Greece.
Please browse around, you should find lots of information, articles, links and videos, but please ask if you can't find something specific. All the best.