How did you discover this site?
word of mouth
How are you using sociocratic principles?
I am a sociocratic practitioner
Please write a brief description of your experience of sociocracy and a bit about yourself
I've been learning about and applying Sociocratic principles in my life and work since 2000. My predominant area of experience regarding Sociocracy is as a collaborative Community Development consultant and Sociocracy Trainer, working with community groups, co-housing/intentional communities and charitable sectors. I've learnt predominantly with practice and more recently had the benefit of collaborating with others in seeking to raise the profile of Sociocracy within the UK and further throughout Europe - specifically the communities field.
Please tell us what you hope to get out of this membership site
In taking part in this site, I'd like to be able to offer my contribution towards strengthening the Sociocracy community. I'd enjoy to connect with likehearted and likeminded brothers and sisters, not just through the matrix of online networks, but face to face, collaboratively creating, organising, sharing, appreciating. I wish to increase the opportunity to share with others the wonderful tools, perspectives, skills, insights that have been so generously shared with me. I wish to find further ways to release my bursting desire to be of service. To know that I have done what I could to contribute towards the possibility of a future where our children are grateful for the legacy left to them.
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