How did you discover this site?
I can't remember! Possibly through DecisionLab newsletter...
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How did you discover this site?
I can't remember! Possibly through DecisionLab newsletter...
How are you using sociocratic principles?
I'm just learning about it
Please write a brief description of your experience of sociocracy and a bit about yourself
I attended a DecisionLab workshop on consensus decision making (with Martin Grimshaw) a couple of years ago at the Transition Network conference. I have facilitated a national group of Christian meditation teachers using the Resolver process, and we're in the process of setting up an umbrella organisation to take forward our work. I have co-founded a charity in Norwich (where I live) which has as its aims to connect up spiritual, ecological and social literacy (see I have done some reading around collaborative governance, and I'm currently making my way through the Buck/Villines book. I have trained with Joanna Macy in ‘The Work That Reconnects’ and with John Croft on ‘Dragon Dreaming’ - see I am passionate about exploring progressive methods for cultivating deep democracy and facilitating unity, as I feel this is a crucial means of bringing healing and transformation to people and planet and building a sustainable future. I’m excited about the potential of Sociocracy - and I want to learn more!
Hi Liz... that was me, alongside Adrienne Campbell, and I remember that workshop and conference fondly.... sitting out in the sunshine. Look forward to seeing you again