How did you discover this site?
John Buck
How are you using sociocratic principles?
I'm just learning about it
Please write a brief description of your experience of sociocracy and a bit about yourself
I participate in meeting in which it is being used. I have attended brief "introduction" sessions and have participated in workshop by John Buck.
Please tell us what you hope to get out of this membership site
Information, networking
Hi Martin, congratulations on becoming a father. (By the way your question about email from a Lucia, this was spam which slipped through - we thought she was a genuine member so we approved, only to find out "she" was a spammer - anyway all deleted now, sorry for the inconvenience). Best wishes
Welcome Martin. I believe you took part in John's workshop in Findhorn in April, which I hear went very well. I'm very glad to have you join this site. There is plenty of information on sociocracy if you browse around. But we also have our next Study Circle tele-meeting on 13 June. If you are interested in joining, please let Sue know your contact (email and tel) so we can send you the relevant information.