How did you discover this site?
How are you using sociocratic principles?
I'm just learning about it, Applying it in my business
Please write a brief description of your experience of sociocracy and a bit about yourself
Some years ago I read the book "We the people". I started to try out some principles in a new political party ( and now I have started another NGO called Citizen Hive ( will be up soon). My aim is to try out Sociocracy in full scale within this organization, learning step by step.
Please tell us what you hope to get out of this membership site
Inspiration, learning, network and contributing with experiences
If you have a web-site, blog, twitter, facebook or similar account, please enter url here
Good day,
I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and demand it necessary to write you immediately.
I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.
Could you please get back to me o( for the full details.
Have a nice day.
Mrs.Abiola Bawuah.
A very warm welcome Sharif. Please have a look around on here, it is intended to be a self organising sort of 'online cafe', where you can start and engage in conversations. We are especially looking for any short (even 1 paragraph + a link) case studies, and people expressing their difficulties as well as positive stories.
Why not share this site with others if you have the opportunity too (ie Twitter or as a link on your site when ready), even use it as a platform for a relevant discussion if you like.
Meanwhile keep up the good work and very best wishes.