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I'm just learning about it
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I would appreciate your views and support on a voluntary and non-political group. We are called The Unreasonable Learner (UL) we describes ourselves as a network of network and wish to engage with other networks’ Our name comes from the below quote George Bernard Shaw “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. George Bernard Shaw “ The UL describes its self as a network of network and wish to engage with other networks All with in the UL are interested in how Scotland can become more successful in future. Our concerns are that whilst Christie report did great analysis it lacked a method for sorting thing out ie the Christie report estimated that failure demand was at least 40% across the public sector in Scotland. (Demand caused by a failure to do something or do something right for the customer first time) Our partition The UL is being supported by a numb Petition Number: PE1423 Main Petitioner: Gordon Hall on behalf of The Unreasonable Learners The underlying feeling we took away from the meetings generated by the petition with MSPs and stake holders is that they see the need for change but are stuck in the old paradigm. As the UL website states we are unable to do much individually, it'll take too long, however with a larger collective body we could achieve great things What would be really invaluable to the UL your organisation were able to open up any appropriate network you have in order for as to gain momentums and collaborate with others who wish to see Scotland even more successful in future and for Scoots to be passionate about what they do and provide services that are seen the best in Europe.. As a network of network we would wish to engage with organisation. The Unreasonable Learners Lifting the human spirit by exploring new ways of working together within organisations. Kind regards Fiona Savage an Unreasonable Learner! 07880788759 “If you think you're too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room.” ― Anita Roddick”
Please tell us what you hope to get out of this membership site
networking with like minded people, ideas
Welcome to the Sociocracy UK members' site. I hope you find useful information. If you're learning about sociocracy the best place to start is following the links on this page. I am not quite sure yet what the Unreasonable Learners site is, sounds intriguing, I shall have to explore it further later, but if you need any help, please let me know. All the best